Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Keep Your Glass Half Full

When you are getting ready for a date, always write yourself a pep-list of your best qualities.  For example, you may write, "I have beautiful hair, I know a lot about Buddhism, I am an excellent horse-back rider", etc. It's important to remind yourself of your strong suits so you can amplify them on your date.  If you have great legs, wear something that shows them off and divert your mind to a positive thought about yourself, then you can forget about that wrinkle or the 5 extra lbs. you want to lose.  If you believe you are hot, then he or she will believe it too. Don't go out the door until you have made your list.  You want your positive attributes to be fresh in your mind so you know what to project and what to talk about.  Keep your glass half full, and no one will ever notice that its half empty.

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