Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Should We Live Together?

Girls always want to move in fast.  But is this really a good idea?  Before you get on his case about wanting to keep his place, consider the facts.  Osho says the ideal living arrangement for a couple is to live across the lake from each other...here's why.  Love is something you give away, and eventually you run out.  The only way for love to rebuild is to spend time on your own missing your partner.  This alone time allows your emotions to replenish.  Thats why after spending time apart you feel elated when you finally see each other.  The old adage "Familiarity breeds contempt" is a perfect example of what happens when you spend all of your time together.  When you are depleted of love and have none left to give, the relationship goes stale and you stop appreciating each other.  This is why codependency is considered unhealthy.  If you live seperately, you are still in a good place to seperate and allow the love to grow.  This is the romance time and should be cherished.  Once you move in, much of the mystery subsides, so why rush?  Stay on your side of the lake for as long as you can and let the passion live.

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